Planning For Our Future!
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is the basic foundation for local planning. It lays out a community vision and priorities and describes, where, how, and in some cases when development will occur. It is adopted by the city as flexible guidelines for policymakers, land managers, and land users about how to conserve, rehabilitate, or develop an area while addressing land use, transportation, infrastructure, urban design, and utilities. The plan is forecasted for twenty years and is usually updated every five years.
Why do we need a Comprehensive Plan?
We need a comprehensive plan to aid in policy building to ensure orderly growth and protect the public’s best interests. It acts as a guide for the future.
How long does it take to complete a Comprehensive Plan?
The comprehensive planning process for the City of Castle Rock will take approximately thirteen months. The process will be led by the Castle Rock Planning Commission with Council of Governments’ staff assistance. Their will be a series of workshops held on all of the plan elements and a series of public meetings early next year. A draft plan will be put together and taken to the city council for approval.
City of Castle Rock Planning Commission Members
Rick Sullivan - Chairperson
Matt Rasmussen - Vice-Chairperson
Justice Wyonne
Leah Medina
Richard Skreen
Ryane Olin
Vacant Position
Meetings: Third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
Meeting Location:
Building and Planning Room
141 A St SW
Castle Rock, WA 98611
For more information:
Contact City Hall at (360) 274-8181